The Louisiana in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.

You are quite welcome. I just hope you do succeed in locating his resting place.
I neglected to mention that at the bottom of his service record printed in "Feliciana Confederates" it has a note that you may not be aware of. "NOTE: Mrs. Stephen Jones appears on a list dated 7-7-62 and approved by the West Feliciana Parish Military Board to recieve payment during her husband's absence in the service. These payments were made to residents of West Feliciana Parish." In the very back of the same book it notes..."Aug. 5, 1864- Most of the 'Packwood Rifles' captured before Atlanta."
Stephen Jones is also listed in the "Post Hospital Ledger: Port Hudson, Louisiana, 1862-63" by Arthur W. Bergeron, Jr. and Lawrece L. Hewitt. I dont have a copy handy, so I dont know what malady he was sent there for. Dr. Bergeron is a frequent visitor to this message board and you might persuade him to look that up for you.

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Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.
Rose Hill Cemetery - Macon, GA
Re: Rose Hill Cemetery - Macon, GA
Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.
Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.
Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.
Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.
Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.