The Louisiana in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

Rose Hill Cemetery - Macon, GA
In Response To: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry. ()

Check with the folks at Rose Hill Cemetery in Macon, Georgia. There is a large Confederate burial plot there and the cemetery people have a list of the dead. After July 6, 1864, military hospitals in and around Atlanta were moved south of Atlanta. One of my family members in the 9th Mississippi Infantry was wounded at Ezra Church on July 28, 1864 and evacuated to a military hospital at Macon. He died of his wounds two weeks later and is buried at Rose Hill.

Rose Hill Cemetery (912) 751-9119

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Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.
Rose Hill Cemetery - Macon, GA
Re: Rose Hill Cemetery - Macon, GA
Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.
Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.
Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.
Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.
Re: Co K, 4th Louisiana Infantry.