The Georgia in the Civil War Message Board

Rome, GA Gun Factory

Destructive Fire-We delay further our present issue to give a hasty account of a destructive fire which occured this (Thursday) afternoon. While we write the immense gun factory in the lower part of this city is being reduced to ashes. The fire originated in the "drying room," and before the workmen were aware of it the roof of the building was a sheet of flame; fourtunately all escaped without injury. Some of the workmen, we learn, leaped from the windows of the second story. The loss will not be far short of $75,000 in machinery, unfinished guns, etc., besides the total destruction of the splendid new three and a half story brick building. The entire community sympathizes with the energetic and gentlemanly but unfortunate proprietors. The building belonged to our esteemed townsman, Mr. John C. Eve. We are not informed as to whether there was any insurance on the building. We regret to learn that Messrs. Dickson, Sadler, and Nelson were not insured. -Rome (Ga.) Southerner

Memphis Daily Appeal (Memphis, TN) 06 Sep 1862 (Saturday)