The Georgia in the Civil War Message Board

10th Ga Cavalry State Guards

Alan, I am not disagreeing with you on the State Guards being reorganized at Cassville, but I do believe the local men were called upon to help Gen. Johnston's army, this being backed up with some letters from that time period.
Now, as to the training of the State Guards, most men in the State of Georgia were required to join the State Militia and recieve training as such for a period of time. Even though it was a volunteer Militia, it was mandantory from the time the State was formed until sometime around the end of the War Between The States. Read Gov. Joe Brown's Call to Arms on May 18, 1864. The State Militia exists today, although it's under another name.
So, the State Guards did have a level of training, because most of the men at some point in time had recieved Militia training. Now, granted it may not have been what they would have recieved at a Camp of Instruction, but they did have some of the basics.

A few times raw recruits of regular combat units were thrown into battle without any training or weapons.

I am not trying to antagonize anyone on this site, just trying to uphold the patriotic men that were in the State Guards and show that all the units were not the COLD MOUNTAIN thugs!