The Civil War Flags Message Board

Re: 2nd National CS Flag at Gettysburg - only one


The 32nd North Carolina , while in Carlisle, went to a dry goods store and got some white cloth to add to their ANV Third Bunting battle flag to make it into a very large Second National. The flag survives today with traces of the white cloth still visible around its edges. This history comes from a 32nd NC source.

It is the only documented Second National at Gettysburg and was described in one Union account on July 1st as "the flag with the long white tail."

The reason there were no other SN flags despite it being adopted on May 1st was a wool bunting shortage at the Richmond Depot, which was tasked for making flags for the army, military posts, etc. in their sphere of operations. In going through QM letters at the National Archives I found note after note asking for the new flag from depot commanders, military posts, etc. and response from the QM officer of the Richmond Depot that they were out of bunting.

This also affected Edward Johnson's Division and prevented them from getting a divisional scale issue of ANV Third Bunting flags before the Gettysburg Campaign began. Thus, Johnson's troops would fight there with a hodge podge of flags - Maryland state flag, a bunch of First Nationals, at least one ANV wool/cotton issue and at least one ANV silk flag from late 1861 among them. After the campaign was over, the depot received a new bunting shipment in August via blockade runner and new flags were made for Johnson's men, the first to have "Gettysburg" battle honors on them - along with the units of Heth's Division who lost colors there.

Over the Fall, the depot started making and issuing Second National HQ flags to the ANV and posts in their area. The earliest SN flag I can document to the ANV is in October, 1863. Longstreet's Corps does not get any until they return to the ANV in 1864 based on an account from one of his staff officers. They were, of course, operating in Georgia and Tennessee at the time and outside of the Richmond Depot's influence.

There is another story of how the 32nd NC got the Second National flag and Rollins details this in his book "Damned Red Flags of the Rebellion." It was basically about one being made by some ladies or patriotic organization and handed to Lee who handed it to whoever and it finally got to the 32nd NC. I don't buy it one bit especially since the "canton" of their home made flag shows evidence of the white cloth.

Hope this helps.

Greg Biggs

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Second National CS Flag at Gettysburg
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Re: 2nd National CS Flag at Gettysburg - only one