The Civil War Flags Message Board

Present Battle Flag Controversy

Re the latest controversy over the flying of the Confederate Battle Flag over the capital in South Carolina.

I would like to know what is the rational for flying the Battle Flag? It would seem more fitting to fly one of the Confederate National Flags although flying the Second or Third, would not quell the uproar.

In my case, in addition to the Stars & Stripes, I fly in secondary position on flag days, the First National Stars & Bars. And then, being a Navy veteran, I fly in third place, the First Naval Jack, "Don’t Tread on Me"

Secondly, what is the basis for the anti’s decrying Confederate symbols, flags, etc. as symbols of hate? What historical facts are they basing these positions?

I see Greg Biggs discussed this re the KKK some years ago. See

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Present Battle Flag Controversy
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