The Civil War Flags Message Board

Letter from Sec'y of War on Captured Flags

I just saw this item on and thought it might be of interest. If anyone here does buy it, kindly follow up with a note to that effect.
Columbia Maryland

Letter from the Secretary of War in Response to a Resolution of the House Calling for Information Relative to Captured Standards, Flags & Colors. 50th Congress 1st Session. Ex. Doc. 163

US Sec of War.

Bookseller: Military Books

(Washington, DC, U.S.A.)

Price: US$ 61.00

Book Description: GPO, 1888, 1888. Paperback. Book Condition: Very Good. 20p. Wraps. Captured Confederate flags in possession of the northern States. Very Good copy. Book. Bookseller Inventory # op-129