The Arms & Equipment in the Civil War Message Board

Whitworth globe sighted rifles

I did not see this reference in a search, so thought it might be of interest. The source is W. James Kincheloe, 1st Lieutenant in Company C, 49th Virginia Regiment of Infantry, as published in the University Memorial Biographical Sketch of Alumni of the University of Virginia Who Fell in the Confederate War, by Rev. John Lipscomb Johnson, 1871) [Diary entry of 25 June 1863 during the Gettysburg campaign] "Orders received in each company to detail the best marksman to shoot for a splendid Whitworth globe sighted rifle presented by the Queen of England to President Davis and sent to the army. There were 18 of these guns sent over and distributed to the ... army corps. Gus Right of Company A, 49th Virginia was the successful shot out of 30 picked men ... to have a camp stool and crotch to rest his rifle ... and is always detailed as a skirmisher."

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Whitworth globe sighted rifles
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