The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

A proposal?

Reading on the Civil War News and Views Open Discussion Message Board, a gentleman (Mr. David Upton) made a proposal that a day be set aside to display the regimental Battle standards of the various units of the Confederate army simular to other Military honors ceremonies like the Edinburrough Military Tattoo.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans celebrate Confederate Flag Day each year on the Saturday before Easter and has been a celebration since it was signed into Arkansas Law by then Governor Orville Faubus in the 1960's centennial observances. I think this would be an excellant oppertunity to do this. Also it would be a excellant way to counter the present attacks being made against the Confederate Battle flag. The "Heritage not Hate" motto in action.

The honor and the image of the Confederate Soldier and his flags has been taken away from us by the news media and their charactorization of them being "racist". We who are educated know that not true, but how to fight it?

A lot of the re-enacting group have at one time or another reproduced some of those regimental Battleflags with their Battle Honors. This would be a good useage of those flags. The Old State House Museum has an excellant collection of Arkansas regimental flags that could be used as references to reproduct some of those flags.