The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Grand Prairie Civil War Round Table, meets~3-12-13

Announcement: The Grand Prairie Civil War Round Table meeting will be held on
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at the Lonoke County Museum, 215 S.E. Front Street in
downtown Lonoke, Arkansas beginning at 7. p.m.
Brian Brown, a partner with the Laser Law Firm of Little Rock, will be our speaker.
His topic will be the Battle of Vicksburg. He will have an emphasis on the Saps which
had do with trenches that are dug in a zig-zag manor.
Brown, a noted historian, is currently serving as the treasurer of the Civil War Round
Table of Arkansas. For more information, contact Rick Meadows of Cabot, Ar.
at or phone 501-676-6750 (Thurs., Fri., or Sat. only)
for more information.
As always, everyone is welcome and there is no admission charge to attend.
Please feel free to come out and learn more of our nation's interesting history.