The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

23 September, 1862

Memphis Daily Appeal CS
A gentleman from west of the river, who arrived in this city last evening, has placed in our hands copies of Pine Bluff and Little Rock journals as late as the 12th, and also favors us with some interesting and gratifying verbal intelligence. A fine army for operations in the trans-Mississippi department has been organised by the generals who have been entrusted with the work, and the invaders have already been made to feel its vengeance, in the vicinity of Helena, and the power of our friends to protect the State from predatory excursions is so manifest that of late. The enemy has remained unusually quiet In the northwestern part of the State there have also been some movements recently. On the 24th of August Colonels Cockrill, Coffee and Tracey reached Bentonville, in the northwestern corner of this State with about 2 500 men. They gave the Federals a fight at Lone Jack, in Missouri, and captured two pieces of the battery formerly commanded by captain, now Brigadier-General Totten.
Under the new Constitution a general State election will take place in October, and under a recent decision of the supreme court all the officers, Confederate, State and county, will have to be filled. The canvass is already occupying public attention, and we observe that candidates are becoming plenty. There appears to be no feeling, personal or otherwise, in the campaign, except in the contest for governor. Gov. RECTOR, in a lengthy circular, has announced himself for re-election, and Colonel HARRIS FLANAGIN, of Clark county, and Mr. JOHN S. H. RAINEY, are also candidates. Colonel F. appears to be the favorite of those who oppose governor Rector.
The True Democrat publishes a semi-official statement of the financial condition of the State, as follows :
Amount in the treasury, Dec. 12, I860,...............$550,990 51

“received since,...............................................595,132 25

“of War Bonds issued,.................................1,447,026 60

“of Treasury Warrants,......................................710,288 10


Total......................$3,303,437 46

There is yet in the treasury,....................68,698 50

Amount spent in 21 months................3,331,738 96
The attempt of the Lincoln government to foist upon the State a provisional government, in the persons of PHELPS and his attaches, is treated with great ridicule. The rule of the clique, it is predicted, will never he attempted, much less exercised.
Capt. JOHN D. ADAMS, formerly commandant of the post of Memphis, has been transferred to the trans-Mississippi department.
Two members the military board of Arkansas are to be elected, at the general election in October next.
Of crops in the State we only find the following notice in the the Pine Bluff True Southron:
CROPS. —The weather has been very dry for some time—only one shower in about two months. The hill country is very much parched, and if we are correctly informed, many will have to depend on the corn crop of the river valley, for bread. The valley of the Arkansas river has yielded a large crop, and the army as well as the people must draw subsistence from it. We trust, and believe, that our military authorities are alive to this important fact, and will not allow the Yankee ever to take of this section of country, which would be a misfortune almost irretrievable.