The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Union regiments in Lawrence County Arkansas

I am trying to determine who the first federal force in the Smithville area was. There is a great description in one of the Historical Quarterlies, but unfortunately the historian had forgotten the regiment. The best I can determine the 5th Illinois Calvary arrived in the area around the 16th of June 1862. I am trying to determine if any units passed through before they arrived. I am also trying to determine who the regiment that was garrisoned for about 3 months on the William Lane place just east of Smithville. (As the crow flies about two miles from my house.) The 5th Illinois Calvary is the only federal unit that I have concrete evidence they were garrisoned near Smithville. The Minutes of the New Hope Baptist Church, very near the federal camp, records that union soldiers attended services while stationed there. again no clue as to regimental affiliation. No clue as to whether calvary or infantry. given the remoteness of the area I am inclined to think it would have been calvary. I considered the possibility of Missouri Enrolled Militia or an Arkansas Federal Home Guard, but the description includes, well conditioned and uniform equipment, flags, banners, decorations on bridles and saddles, saddle blankets that almost cover the horse, etc, description implied extremely well mounted, neat uniforms, with supply wagons, to me it is suggestive of a Regular Army unit.

So far the units (or personnel from units) I have identified being in/near Smithville and the Spring River area;

4th Arkansas Mounted Infantry (Elisha Baxter's), 3rd MO Cav, 6th Missouri Cav, 11th MO Cav, 1st Nebraska Cavalry, 5th Illinois Cavalry, 3rd Iowa Cavalry.

Are there any units I have missed? Do you know of any federal units that were garrisoned at Smithville, Denton or Powhatan?