The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Provost Marshall Papers

The two NARA microfilm publications having to do with the Union Provost Marshal files relating to civilians are now on-line. A brief description of these files is included in an NARA pamphlet which reads:

"The provost marshals who served in territorial commands, armies, and Army corps were military police. They sought out and arrested deserters, Confederate spies, and civilians suspected of disloyalty, investigated the theft of government property, controlled the passage of civilians in military zones and those using government transportation; confined prisoners; and maintained records of paroles and oaths of allegiance. Provost courts were established in some territorial commands to try cases involving civilian violators of military orders, the laws of war, and other offenses arising under the military jurisdiction. They also tried cases involving military personnel accused of civil crimes"—

The first publication titled: “Union Provost Marshal’s file of papers relating to individual civilians” is on-line at the Mormon Church (LDS) website. The website link is not reliable so access the records images as follows:

- Click on the general LDS website:
- Under “Browse by Location,” click on “USA, Canada, and Mexico.”
- Scroll down to and double click on “United States: Union Provost Marshal Files of Individual Civilians, 1861-65.”
- Double click on “Browse through 502920 images.”

The 300 reels of microfilm (NARA Microfilm Publication M345) are listed in alphabetical order. You have to scroll through the selected film roll as if it was on a microfilm reader. It is a little cumbersome at first but you become adept at it with a little practice and learning how to work the film positions. The NARA pamphlet describing the publication in detail is on-line at their website. This direct link is also not reliable so access the pamphlet as follows:

- Click on the general NARA website:
- Click on “Research our Records.”
- Click on “Online Research Tools and Aids.”
- Scroll down to and click on “Go to Microfilm Catalog.”
- Enter “M345” in the “Browse NARA’s Microfilm Catalog” window and click on “Search.”
- Double click on either of the “Publication Titles.”
- Double click on “View Important Publication Details” at the right of the page to access the pamphlet.

Many names are referenced only with a file number in the above publication and detailed in a second NARA publication titled: “Union Provost Marshal file of Papers relating to two or more civilians.” The names included in this publication are listed by file numbers that are organized in numerical order. The 95 roll microfilm publication (NARA publication M416) is on-line at the “Missouri Digital History” website:

You will have to scroll through the specific microfilm rolls also in this site but it is a little easier than with the LDS site. There is also a NARA pamphlet describing this microfilm publication in detail which can be accessed as noted above entering “M416” instead of “M345.”

The Missouri State Archives have developed an every-name-index with transcribed details for all Missouri references in the two above NARA microfilm publications. That index is on-line at the “Missouri Digital Heritage” website:

The Union Provost Marshall papers are an important resource for researching “non-soldiers” who became involved in the War.

Hugh Keen