The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Re: 19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1 Addendum

Doyle, I'm going to cover Hardy's (Dawson's) hybrid regiment, and the only reason I can do that with any degree of confidence is because of the research you've done. I really had my hands full with Hardy's regiment until you and I started corresponding. You really cleared away the confusion I had about that regiment, and I do appreciate it, my friend.

So I'm going to post a brief narrative about it after Dockery's 19th Arkansas, but all the credit goes to you. I had just about given up on ever working that one out!

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19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1
Re: 19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1 Addendum
Re: 19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1 Addendum
Re: 19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1 Addendum
Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th...???
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
posts from Merrill Pence's regt. history.....
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
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Re: contact made with Merrill Pence; stay tuned...
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
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Re: Merrill Pence revised history of Dawson's 19th
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Re: a soldier in Dawson's 19th Arkansas Regiment..
Re: a soldier in Dawson's 19th Arkansas Regiment..