The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board

32nd Alabama company info


At LaVergne, TN in October, 1862, the Confederate camp of the 32dn Alabama and Biffle's TN Cavalry was attacked by a Union force under James Negley. A large First national post flag was taken there (now in Illinois) and a company color from the 32nd Alabama that was found in their camps. From the Nashville Daily Union (October 24, 1862) comes this letter by Isaac Taylor, 21st Ohio Infantry, who took the flag:

"On the 7th inst. in the "affair" at Lavergne, I captured the regimental flag of the 32nd Regimetn of Alabama Rebels and, with the assistance of a private of the 18th Regiment Ohio Volunteers, took prisoners at the same time...I do not know this soldier's name, but he myself were the first in the rebel camp. I took possession of the flag..."

Taylor goes on to state that he took the weapons of the prisoners and the flag and laid them in a pile to go and secure a horse and while doing so some Union cavalryman came up and grabbed the flag and took off with it. I have doubts that this flag was used as the regimental banner by the 32nd Alabama at that time for it was taken in the camp and, Taylor describes it, "The flag is a little faded - the "colors" run - and was presented to some Rifles. I disremember the name, by the ladies of some town in Alabama; I disremember the name of the town - Mobile, I think - and also some lettering which was on it."

So I lean heavily towards this being some company flag but what company? I have fine company nicknames for this regiment but nothing with "Rifles" in it. Can anyone fill in that name gap here?

Thanks in advance.

Greg Biggs

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32nd Alabama company info
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