E. J. Matthews 26th Alabama
The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, part II, vol. II, p. 251 lists the case of E. J. Matthews: "Surgeon J. J. Chisolm related (manual of Military Surgery, 3d ed., 1863, p. 356) that 'in the case of Private E. J. Matthews of the 26th Alabama Regiment, a youth of 14 years, who, when returning from a fifth charge of a Yankee battery during one of the battles of Richmond, was shot in the back. The ball entered through the sacrum an inch from its spinous processes and one inch below the crest of the ilium. Eight months after the reception of the wound he applied to me for relief, as he had a constant discharge of pus from both the wound in the back and a fistulous passage in the left groin. Upon examination with a probe, which passed in four inches, traversing the sacrum, the foreign body was detected, the bull of the probe entering the cup of the minie ball. By using a gouge, the orifice through the sacrum was enlarged sufficiently to allow the ball being drawn from the pelvic cavity. The case recovered'."