Hayes Lowe
Historic Marker
Tue Oct 31 14:43:31 2000

The historic marker at the bottom of that page is, I believe, misleading, at best. It insinuates that all those buried there died from injuries received at Vicksburg. That is not possible. One soldier shown on the list is of the 12th Miss. Cav. No such unit existed until March 1865. However, it could have been a cavalryman from the 12th Mississippi and Alabama Cavalry, the predessor of the 16th Confederate and the 12th Miss. Cav, and the list is just in error in calling it the 12th Miss. Cav. That would not help to substantiate the statement made on the marker, though. The 12th Miss. and Ala. Cav. was not formed until late Summer 1863 (although recruitment began in the Spring, as I recall), and was never sent to Vicksburg.

I don't know much about the 15th Conf. Cav., a member of which is also listed there, but as I recall it was not formed until sometime after the fall of Vicksburg, as well.

I think that clearly, some of these troops died in activities in and about Mobile in April 1865. A part of the 12th Miss. Cav. were known to be operating near Ft. Blakely at that time.

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