Bob Redman
Alabama CW railroads
Sat Oct 21 16:36:11 2000

Dear E.D.,
Thanks for the response. I stumbled on this message board while following links. My main interest is the Army of the Cumberland and George Thomas. In a way, the AotC was effected by these missing 50 miles between Selma and Montgomery because this lent even more importance to the northern Confederate trunkline from Virginia through Knoxville, Chattanooga and Corinth to Memphis. Can you imagine loading cannon from Selma over a decaying wharf onto a rickety steamboat, just to have to unload them again 50 miles upriver? Can you imagine what this cost the Confederacy? Anyway, I'm just curious about the question. If I were from Alabama and a CW buff, I would be more than just curious.
Greetings, Bob Redman (

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