Hayes Lowe
Further clarifications.
Wed Jul 25 10:13:44 2001

Here are a few items to clarify some points.

First, I wrote "I have NO bias for or against Confederate soldiers". Please note that this specifically says "soldiers". I may have *other* bias' concerning this war. In particular, I think that the war was an illegal act against sovereign states. Seccession was legal. But, I don't hold the individual Union soldiers responsible for this illegal action.

On the other hand, I do not think that the Southern states took the right course of action when it seceded. And, further, in executing some/many political actions during the war, it violated many of its own principals by which they justified the seccession.

Second, when I say that the root of "anti-revisionism" is ego, I don't mean to imply that you have an ego problem! What I mean to say is that is the line that you have been fed, and I believe, have mistakenly accepted.