Hayes Lowe
This fight was over...
Thu Jul 5 15:21:55 2001

the inalienable right of self determination as identified by the founding fathers, not religious convictions...same goes for the Revolutionary War, contrary to what some would have us believe.

Unfortunately, the paradigm shift that self determination was due *all* men and women [not just the white men] had not yet been made by all peoples of the world [and still has not]. This helped lead to the war.

However, that was more of an excuse/vehicle for Lincoln's Centralist Government Coup, than it was anything else. Had Lincoln's party not intervened in the issue, I firmly believe that there would have been a paradigm shift [at least partially brought forth by Judeo-Christian religious "values"] and a peaceful solution to the question at some future point in time. But who knows? That just my personal speculation.

As to "revisionist" history...well, I won't go into that as I could write a whole book on that nonsensical appellation.