12 ALA -- explanation requested
Wed Oct 4 17:09:09 2000

Hi -- I was researching my Arkansas ancestors -- on the Confederate Pension Index, I found one possibility -- it said he enrolled in the 12th Alabama Inf.,Co. G., -- but he enrolled from Franklin County, Arkansas. I hate to sound ignorant, but did Alabama send recruiters to other states? I'm wondering if that's why I can't find some of my Arkansas ancestors who were in the Confederate army. Could anyone please explain why a man living in one state would enroll in the military unit of a different state?
Also, the Index only gave his initials. Is there a muster list of the 12th Ala. where his full name would be given? His name on the Pension Index was listed as "J.T. Cameron." (wounded 1865) I haven't been able to find a list of the soldiers for that Company.
Thanks in advance for any information & explanation.

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