Wayne Adams
No Subject
Tue Jul 3 20:29:41 2001

Did anyone see the results of a survey, of U.S. teens, and their knowledge of history? I was driving to work, this morning and was unable to write the actual numbers down, but this is close to what the news report stated.

Only one in four teen-ages could relate the Declaration of Independence to the 4th of July.

Only about 2 in 4 knew the name of the country that the U. S. revolted against to gain its independence.

Only a little over ½ knew who the U. S. fought in the Civil War. Many thought it was England.

We know that most students go through the Public Education Sytstem and all take history. Education for the masses does not guarantee an educated mass! Similar results have been reported in Geography, math and science, etc., but I assure you, not all teens are air-heads. I don't have an answer for these test results.

A frustrated teacher

Wayne Adams