Hayes Lowe
Free State of Winston
Wed Oct 4 09:36:19 2000

It is true that Winston Co. is called the "Free State of Winston" And, there is a a whole lot of truth to the moniker. [This name probably was taken from the "Free State of Pickens", that section of Pickens County that is southeast of the Tombigbee River. The name in Pickens Co. had nothing to do with the Civil War.] However, it is a myth that Winston seceded from the State of Alabama. The possibility was heatedly discussed at Looney's Tavern, but no action was ever taken in the form of a vote. Another myth is that Winston supplied no men to the Confederate Army. Approximately 50% of Winston's men (of those that joined service at all, most did not) joined the Union Army and 50% joined the Confederate army.

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