using the site
Sun Jun 10 11:01:46 2001

Thanks for posting this.

I've played with this a bit since my ancestor was last-name Alford. When using the search tool, forget all the info they ask for except the LAST name (even then, use several common mis-spellings). Oddly, most searches I did with combination accurate info on the Company, Regiment, etc, turned up zero results, when just using the last name yielded exactly the same info I had entered.

Also, EACH record in their files is entered separately in this database, so the search will turn up many different lists and NOT in alphebetical order, so scroll down all the listings.

Importantly, there are many errors that this last name only search will reveal that you might not normally find. For example they have several records of my ancestor under the 50th AL Regiment when it was the 5th. Also SEVERAL variations of name spelling (I know it is him from other relevant data, such as place of residence). Didn't learn much new except a residence location of his brother from 1921 CSA vet census that was unknown to me, but it is a great service and deserving applause. Using the last name search, I did learn that there were a lot of other men with same last name in the same regiment, which was interesting geneologically. ~ Wm