Scott W. Owens
Re: 1866 Ala Census
Mon Jun 4 10:45:46 2001

This was great! I just searched down the county until I found the right family names for the community, and all the Hortons were together. I was able to verify that one son of John D. Horton (captor of Maj Fidler, Battle of Pleasant Ridge) who appears in the 1850 and 1860 Fed CEnsus but not in 1870, and has not been found elsewhere, was likely the one from the household listed as "Killed," and John D.'s other son who died, Leonnidas, Co D, 8th Confederate Cav, known to have died of typhoid pneumonia, was the one listed as "died of disease."

I guess that the "Killed" column includes those KIA as well as died of wounds received in action.

One big problem: the microfilm at the Mobile Public Library for this census is photographed in negitive, that is the background is black, writing is white. It is not too ledgible, and I had to view it on the microfilm printer and zoom in real close to even make it out. Is this the case with all copies of this census?

Would be great for someone to transcribe this, and community, county, and state lossed could be accurately estimated. I say estimated since as pointed out before, the census does not include those households which moved out of the state before 1866, as well as including those moving into the state between 1865 and 1866. But given the circumstances of the times, this number should be negligible.

Scott Owens