Hoyt Cagle
Mon Jun 4 07:24:16 2001

No, you misunderstand the situation, sir. I'm not mad at anyone. I can disagree with someone and still sit down and break bread with them. I appreciate you and the fact that you didn't take it personally when I called certain items of yours into question. I certainly didn't mean to cast any personal aspersions upon you, nor do I believe that I did. You were most gracious in thanking me for correcting you on the KKK item. As for Mr. Brothers, he jumped in with some incorrect data, which I proceeded to correct. I was playing by his rules, and totaled the states as he added them. At the end, however, he decided that he didn't really mean totals, but rather percentages. However, he was man enough to apologize in part and admit that some of his data was incorrect. Perhaps next time he will check his facts and figures before posting. Far from having my lines caved in, I declare victory!

However, this is all water under the bridge. Let's all move on to the next problem at hand.