Hoyt Cagle
Interstate Endangers Multiple AL CW Sites
Sat May 26 04:33:42 2001

The new interstate highway being planned across North AL will completely destroy numerous Civil War sites in multiple counties. In Lawrence County alone the corridor will obliberate most of Brown's Ferry, not only the site of much Civil War history, but possessing a documented history to at least 1770. Another Lawrence casualty will be the site of Fort Rose, built by slave labor in 1862 by soldiers of the 51st Illinois. Several other pristine sites in this one county are slated for destruction. Multiply all of these by several counties and you will begin to realize that we are about to lose more of our heritage and history in the space of the next very few years than we have in the preceding 130+ years. I urge all CW buffs, historians, etc, to look about them, to think about it, and to get involved.