Paul McLaughlin
Wed May 23 17:09:20 2001

I will keep you informed of any Mississippi graves I hear about. Researching the old cemeteries and loking at the dates provided us with several heretofore unknown Confederates. Once we knew these fellows were of the correct age then it was simply a matter of checking the muster rolls/pension records. In our small community most family members knew about these guys but had memory lapses or did not care whether they were honored or not, which relly burns me. I was about 3 years too old to make Viet Nam, but I grew up around a slough of WWII vets and I know
something of the sacrifices these brave men made. As the S.C.V. motto says "Deo Vindice" - if your Latin is rusty it means "God Vindicates". Check out your local camp- they may just need an infusion of new blood to really rock 'n roll.
