Quinn Elliott
Tue May 22 16:22:24 2001

As Johnny Cash stated in his song about Custer, "I ain't a fan of Custer". Too bad Stuart wasn't able to come to grips with Custer at Gettysburg, things could have been different for the Sioux. No legend to many, rather an
arrogrant, foolish, vain, United States military officer who led his 7th Cavalry in various attacks upon unsuspecting, peaceful Indian villages bent upon murdering men, women and yes, children. As the character Jack Crabb in the movie "Little Big Man" said to Custer at the advent of Little Big Horn, "General them ain't women and children down there" As for the music-Garry Owen was/is quite a beautiful piece of music-again from "Little Big Man" the song has a mystical aura about it as it can barely be heard above the horses hooves as they approach the unsuspecting Indian village from out of the fog, ice, and snow and attack the awakening citizens thereof. Custer got what he deserved. May the proceeds from the sale of the CD's be donated to the Sioux and Cheyenne tribes.