Alan J. Pitts
Re: Athens, AL
Wed May 16 11:18:52 2001

Thanks for citing from your notes. Did the article appear in a Montgomery newspaper?

Not having notes with me, I hesitate to say, but 650 doesn't sound like an overly large number for Johnson's command. In addition to his own regiment (12 cos.), his command should've included at least parts of Forrest's and Moreland's cavalry, as well as the other section of Farrell's Battery. Also, Pickett's and Powell's Battalions were in the Tuscumbia area. I don't immediately recognize the name of a "Captain Ingraham" mentioned in Federal reports; I need to look him up.

It does appear that Hannon went along with Roddey on an expedition across the Tennessee River to support Wheeler during October of 1863. All three regiments seem to have been involved, and Federal reports mention a battery. I would estimate the strength of Hannon's regiment to be about 450 at this time, with Roddey's other two regiments being at least 100 less (each). They skirmished with Federal cavalry at Buckhorn Tavern and Maysville in Madison County. The amount of time you mentioned leads me to believe you're familiar with this episode as well.

If it's of any interest, I'd be pleased to cite the strength and composition of Federal and Confederate commands in the battle of Athens (Sept. 1864).