Bryan D. McRaven
Jeff Davis Legion
Sat May 12 18:07:00 2001

The Jeff Davis Legion was a unique unit in the Army of Northern Virginia. It has an unusual history as well. Three companies of Mississippi Cavalry went to Richmond seperately in 1861 to tender the services directly to the Confederate Government. The three companies were; the "Adams Troops" from Adams County, MS, the "Chickasaw Rangers," from Chickasaw County, MS, and the "Southern Guards" of Kemper County, MS. These three companies were designated the 2nd MS Cavalry Battalion on October 24, 1861, which included four companies, the last being the "Sumter Mounted Guards," of Sumter County, Alabama.
On November 17, 1861 two more companies were added to the 2nd Battalion; the "Canebreak Legion" from Greene, Perry, and Marengo Counties in Alabama, and the "Georgia Hussars," of Savannah and Chatham Co. Georgia. With a total of six companies, the 2nd Batt. was redesignated the "Jeff Davis Legion" on or about December 7, 1861.
These six companies soldiered together through most of the war, often with no more than 300 men in the ranks at any time. In 1864, four more companies were added to the Legion to bring it up to strength, three of which were from Alabama. They were;

Liberty County Rangers, of Liberty County, Georgia

Morehead Rangers, of Pike County, Alabama

Capt.McKenzie's Co.,from Barbour&Montgomery Counties

Capt.G.A.Roberts'Co., from Barbour County, Alabama

If there is other specific information I can help with, please let me know.
A short regimental history may be found here: