Bryan Howerton
So What's The Answer?
Thu Apr 26 13:05:01 2001

Hayes, I sympathize with you on this. I've spent more than 20 years of research (mostly on Arkansas regiments), building a database including every known Arkansas Confederate and Union soldier, supplemented with information from a wide variety of other sources. I've tracked down and catalogued every known Arkansas unit, correcting much misinformation along the way. This represents an enormous outlay of time and personal expense. I made the decision a long time ago to share my research, for free, with any interested Civil War or genealogy researcher who asked for it. Almost everyone I share this information with is doing personal research, but lately I've seen my work show up in print and on commercial websites.

The question is, what can you do about it, other than quit posting anything? I sure don't have any solutions to offer -- I just make sure I keep up with my blood pressure medication.