Hayes Lowe
Good summary.
Wed Apr 25 12:32:00 2001

That's a good summary.

I've done indepth research on the movements of Croxton from the time that he left Northport until the time that he returned there, in an effort to reveal his exact path and the exact location of the beginning and end of the battle. I'm very familiar with the published accounts of movements, but all are contradictory, and some are outright wrong. One account even places the event in Bibb County (confusing it with another battle that occurred near the same time). While some give the exact spot that the battle ended, none identify the place which it started and the path that it progressed. In my research, I've been trying to uncover previously unpublished accounts, and accounts passed down orally by local families.

Confusing the situation is the fact that Sutherland falsified his report (actually two reports). I'll be covering the evidence for this in my book.

If you come across any obscure mentions of this part of Croxton's Expedition, I'd appreciate hearing about it.