Hayes Lowe
As usual, the data is contradictory.
Wed Apr 25 08:44:22 2001

What is your source for this information?

Brewer's work supports the contention that the 1st Ala. Regt. was indeed organized before the 2nd Ala. Regt. This is supported by the dates he gives that the 1st and 2nd were activated. (Feb. and March, 1861 for the 1st, and April for the 2nd Ala. Regt.) However, other parts of Brewer's write-up for the history of the 2nd Ala. Inf. Regt. is contradictory to that:

"The Second was composed of companies which flocked to the seaboard at the first call of the State, and enlisted for a year." (Willis Brewer's Alabama: Her History, Resources War Record, and Public Men From 1540 to 1872.)

[Maybe the men that formed the 2nd were just 3 months late in arriving!]

And, the following is from what I concluded that it was the 1st and 2nd AVC Regiments that formed the 1st and 2nd Ala. Vol. Inf. Regt. was from the following (which I think came from a file at the ADAH):

"The Alabama Volunteer Corps was formed in February 1860 to create seventy-four new companies. On January 1861, the 1st and 2nd Regiments were called into service."

Based on the first come - first serve theory, the 3rd would not have been the first (does that make sense?).