Hayes Lowe
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ala.
Tue Apr 24 21:26:00 2001

Shows what assumptions do. And, I'm sure that you are correct. However, every account that I've read says that the 1st and 2nd AVC Regiments were the first two called up by the Governor. How did the 1st AVC Regt. end up being the 3rd Ala. Regt.?

And another point of this that nags at me is why were these companies, scattered across the state, regimented together in the AVC. That doesn't seem like a workable arrangement. Why wouldn't the companies from within a certain area form a regiment?

I'm still trying to find records that show the regimental structure and overall organization of the AVC. Surely these exist somewhere. All that I can find are the company rolls, located at the ADAH, as the companies were tendered to the Governor in 1860.