J. Posey Buckhall
Development Threat to Alabama graves
Tue Apr 24 13:19:52 2001

Dear Mr. Lowe:
Thanks for the tip about the Alabama Website, what a great idea. I will follow up to see if there are similar sites for Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Please send the address of any other group you think would be interested in this issue.

The developer made an attempt to find the unmarked graves, but gave up after finding a few. Our government sends teams around the world to recover remains of men & women who have sacrificed all in service to our Country. How can we not object if a few random shovels of dirt are used to justify bulldozing a battlefield in which men were buried where they fell?

The name of the housing development proposed on the battlefield of Bristoe Station, Virginia is New Bristow Village. The Prince William County Government refers to it as tracking number REZ#PLN 2001-0157. The public hearing is scheduled for Sept. 18, 2001. Please ask them to email the Board of County Supervisors to share their concerns:
Chairman at-Large Sean T. Connaughton - sconnaughton@pwcgov.org
Brentsville District Supervisor L. Ben Thompson - bthompson@pwcgov.org

Time is not on our side.
Yours in remembrance,
J. Posey Buckhall