Jim Martin (Webmaster)
A Request for Assistance!
Thu Apr 19 12:01:09 2001

For quite some time, I've been attempting to get the ALGENWEB and county sites to put a link on their respective sites to the Alabama in the Civil War Message Board. Several, county sites have done so, but the vast majority have not. Would those of you who are active genealogists and visitors to these sites, please look and see if there is a link to the Alabama in the Civil War Message Board. If you cannot find a link to this page would you please contact the site administrator and tell them what you think of the Alabama in the Civil War Message Board and request they provide a link on their county or state page?

I do not understand why the ALGENWEB and their Alabama Civil War Roots page will not provide a link to this site. Not only that, but in all of the links at the ACWROOTS site there is not a single link to Ken Jones' "Alabama During the Civil War" website. Undoubtedly, Ken's site is the #1 resource for unit histories and links on the internet, but the administrator of the page apparently has a motive for not including a link. I'll let others decide what that might be.

My purpose is to help as many people as possible find their ancestor or get answers to their War Between the States questions and as a result make this website more enriched and interesting.

If you enjoy the Alabama in the Civil War Message Board and would like others to know about it, please help me with this request.

Jim Martin
Alabama in the Civil War Message Board.