Hayes Lowe
12th Miss. Cav. rears its head, again.
Wed Apr 11 19:04:06 2001

OK! Glad to get that much info. I'll go back and review the little book on the 7th. As usual, the answer raises more questions!

First, what is a "Palmetto flag"? Sure sounds like a S.C. flag with the Palmetto emblem!

Second, if it is a flag with a Palmetto on it, why would this Alabama brigade (or more likely a regiment of the brigade) be carrying it?

Third, is it possible that the Alabama companies of the 12th Miss. Cav. (16th Conf. Cav.) were trying to reach this destination? That sure would explain why the regiment appears to have been in two places at once. In particular, partially in Central Alabama and partially near Mobile.