Hayes Lowe
One of the most confusing regiments.
Tue Apr 10 16:31:58 2001

I've been looking into the 16th Conferate Cav./Armistead's Cav./12th Miss. and Ala. Cav./12th Miss. Cav. for a couple of years now. It has got to be in the top 10 most confusing regimental histories.

I'm slowly coming to the conclusion, though, that all the above regimental names are *not* interchangeable. They are related units, but not the same.

So, Robin, read the history of the 12th like Alan says. But, take it as "generally" what happened to Lewis's Battalion as you might find some significant differences. Even in the link that has been suggested, there are many points of questionable accuracy. Not because the information is wrong, but it may be misleading as to which unit it actually applies. This goes back to the above mentioned units not actually being the same, and some apparently existed simultaneously. Very confusing stuff!