Tue Jan 30 18:01:21 2001

The point is the AOP was the wounded animal and had everything to lose and little to gain by attacking the ANV. The ANV was flush with victory on the first. Meade's intentions were demonstrated during the council of war and his actions after the 3rd. He was even less able or in a position to do otherwise earlier.

(BTW, Longstreet made the following observation. It was harder to come down off of Cemetery Ridge and attack than it was the other way from Seminary Ridge.)

The onus was on Lee to be the aggressor and Meade the defender or blocking force absent any opportunity to take advantage of weakness that seldom presented itself during that year.

The result was exactly what is being advocated. An organized retreat on the second actually occurred on the fourth. Meade elected not to attack the retreat that took place.

Lee saved his troops for Chicamauga and The Wilderness.

The contention is Lee had a shot and made use of it. He was responsible for getting them there and everthing that resulted from it, to include morale. He was responsible for everything and knew it.

He, among others, (Longstreet)realized it was winner take all in the summer of 63'.

To depend on the outcome of the election of 64' would have been dishonorable.

After two days any gain less than total victory would have been a waste. Agreed.

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