Alan Pitts
Brewer on trial
Thu Jan 25 11:31:23 2001

Brewer's military history was only a small part of his history of Alabama published in 1872. It's astonishing that he wrote as much he did in such a short time. In the hundred years after secession, name another former Confederate state having in print a nearly complete set of histories, complete with field and company captains and county identifications. Brewer began collecting Alabama records before the war ended and must have conversed with any number of veterans prior to publication. Yes, there are errors, but most of what Brewer wrote is correct!

The information on the Gracie/Moody brigade is right on the money. The detail we have today provides a better picture, but as a summary its career in the last year in twenty-five words or less, it's accurate.

We all know of instances in which he errs, but Willis Brewer and Thomas McAdory Owen deserve great credit for handing down so much information to us today. Given the time and resources, Brewer might have written something like Dunbar Rowland's 'Military History of Mississippi', but I'm thankful for what we have.

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