alan pitts
Camp at Carthage
Mon Dec 11 14:32:06 2000

Great question. I came across this while preparing a long article on the last days of the Confederacy in Alabama. Evidently a camp for dismounted troops of Ferguson's Brigade was established there. Accounts of Wilson's Raid indicate that a mixed group of men from this brigade served with Forrest during April and I suspect they reported to Forrest from Carthage. These men later surrendered with Taylor's command at Gainesville.
Ferguson's Brigade belonged to Wheeler's command and fought Sherman's troops on their way to Savannah. Ferguson remained in Georgia after Savannah fell and did not rejoin Wheeler until March 1865. Some of Ferguson's men provided President Davis with an escort on his way south through the Carolinas. Many years ago I wrote an article on the 56th Alabama Regiment which served with Ferguson; I can locate a copy if you're interested.

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