Roger Brothers
Anglos & Celts in the WBTS
Sun Dec 10 14:41:55 2000

Although the Irish participation in the federal cause has received much attention by historians (as well it should, for as one Confederate remarked after the war "the only reason they won is because they had more Irish") the contribution of native born Irish to the Confederacy by comparison has been neglected. One "rebel" Irish web site is at:

This tells the story of Co. I, 8th Alabama Infantry, 104 of 109 of whom were Irish born. Also, don't forget the Irishman, Patrick Cleburne, who was arguably the best division commander in the Confederate Army.

As for ideas about our English cousins, look into the crew (and one of officers)of the CSS Alabama. (called the "scum of Liverpool" by the yankees) These men captured and destroyed more enemy merchantmen than the crew of any surface ship before or since!

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